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For sheer spectacle, you can hardly beat the book of Exodus: a murderous king, God’s appearance to Moses in the burning bush, the series of miraculous signs in Egypt, the Passover, the parting of the Sea of Reeds, and the giving of the law at Mount Sinai. The events of Exodus form the foundation for understanding God and his plan of salvation, serving as the paradigm for the saving ministry of...

Exodus itself does not at any point identify the person responsible for authoring or editing the book as we now have it. Taken at face value Exodus occasionally ascribes the composition of particular sections to individuals who are also characters within the story. In Exodus 15, it seems likely that Miriam composes the song used by the Israelites to celebrate their rescue from the Egyptian army. In Exodus 20, the Ten Commandments are attributed to God, who speaks them directly to the people.
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